I'm not sure how to write this without it coming off making me either look very much like i've been living in the clouds (which is usually true) and without making me look like i'm not being cared for, which i very much am. I walk a fine line, but i felt this was a brief taste of how different the health care system is here.
Almost every girl in my program is health insurance free, which pretty much means if we get sick it's a big hefty bill to pay or hopefully it can be fixed by the walk in clinic at Duane Reade ie: Dr. Duane as i call them for a mere $95 or $85 if you tell them you're a nanny (way to go childcare!). Dr. Duane can do a lot, but what it can't really do is provide a consistent dr. or at least create that ever so important bond that a patient and dr. can create.
I must preface this story with...i do have health insurance (kinda), it's Canadian emergency travel health insurance which is reactivated every 102 days (or something of the sort). Pretty much the day i leave canada my days count down and then i have to step foot on Canadian soil and it's reactivated. Well i haven't been home since xmas so you can imagine my health insurance is nil as of now and isn't that always when our bodies decide to become ill.
Here's the story:
Went to San Diego for a conference last week of may, came back with a monster gland/tonsil and woke up in NYC rockin' a huge fever. M&D were in town and sent me to Dr. Duane to get checked out.
Tues:Dr. Duane 1 and I talked, discussed symptoms, he looked in my mouth, ears, eyes, poked stomach, did an instant strep test (seriously cool...10 min. results) and moved to "the gland" in which he declared, well other than the fever and the monster gland you are strep free and look perfectly healthy, you must be fighting an infection (enlarged tonsil and huge glad=cell fighting war). Do you have insurance? Nope, okay then, in two days you'll be fine, but if not take this prescription, and if you have any concerns or symptoms change please call me for a consult...here's my number.
Wed.wake up worse...it's just a cold i'll start getting better...i'm sure of it, the doctor says so!
Thurs. wake up worse...call the doc...he's not coming in today, but the med. assistant will call all day and he will get the doc to call back...I decide it's time for the prescription, my body can't fight this alone any more. Pharm say it can't be filled until tomorrow (friday)...no call from the doc.
Fri. still feel like crap, go pick up meds and begin treatment. still no doc call
Sat. crappy crap crap
Sun. what the hell is going on? I'm on drugs now it shouldn't be getting worse but better
Mon. I call Dr. Duane's office. Begging, pleading with the med assistant, i'm in so much pain and the white spots in my throat have me concerned.
Med. assistant calls and says come in and Dr. Duane 2 will check me out again for free
Dr. Duane 2 is a very nice, thorough doc, goes through all the motions and goes to "the gland". Declares a very serious case of tonsillitis and he is very concerned about the infection. Do you have insurance? Nope, okay...one free steroid butt shot and a free prescription of an antibiotic later i'm told i'll start feeling better by tomorrow. phew!
Tues: steroid shot makes my gland/tonsil feel like a million bucks...but still feel like crap
wed: steroid not working anymore...antibiotic not working...call the doc., he's not concerned yet, but says call him friday when he's back in the office to check in.
Thurs: noooo really what the heck is happening
Fri: call number= too many to count, visit 3
He looks in and in great concern says i need to see a specialist. Do you have insurance? Nope, okay, then you need to fly home sooner than thursday and see an ear nose throat specialist.
I freak out, call home and discuss options.
A specialist visit=a weeks worth of a nanny salary even with her "special discount". I need to interject, my parents of course offer to take care of me in these situations, but it reaches a point where flying home for $400 is cheaper than a doctors visit in NYC. The vote is i stay and see a specialist because flying won't be safe until swelling is down...so says my Toronto doc.
Specialist=very expensive 10 minutes, but piece of mind is reached and am now on a boat load of steroids
Sat-Wed=steroids are working, antibiotics are still not...what is going on? I'm like a petri dish of disease
Thurs: home to see my doc and started a new prescription by Dr. Duane 2...maybe it was all in my head but the second those antibiotics hit my tongue i started feeling better....obviously all in my head.
So here is what i've learned 3 weeks later and currently disease and pain free
1. keep health insurance up to date because it changes the way you are treated
2. dr.'s are very conscious about the lack of insurance and will help you as much as they can to a certain point where your health just becomes more important (this is a good thing)
3. treatment in Canada is great it just takes longer and is "free". Toronto doc. response to how i'd be treated differently...i'd have sent you to emerg. they get everything done faster...emergency surgery, drain fluid and IV antibiotics/steroids, done and done, but first an 8 hour wait in emerg. hmmmm i'm not sure which i pick.
Here is what i do know. coming home is always nice whether it's for a doctors appt. or not. i love seeing my family and friends.
whoot whoot jodi (here's your shout out...now leave me alone).
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Sweating it out in the big city
I'm sure it's been happening everywhere, but here in the big apple we've all been sweating it out with record highs in the 100's (F) aka 40's (C) ...bruuuuutaaaalll!
Ways you know it's too freakin' hot
1) tar is remelting on the street
2) your rubber flipflops get stuck to the sidewalk if you stand for too long
3) stagnant puddles are electric green with growth
4) cockroaches go swimming at night in any water they find
5) many rolling black/brown outs
6) it's better to be in a way stinky subway tunnel than above ground
7) you can drink 3 litres of water and not need to go to a restroom ever because you sweat it all out before it reaches your bladder (true story)
8) violent heat lightening storms every night
9) sleeping sans pj's just doesn't keep you cool
10) 87F or 33C feels cool
Ways you know it's too freakin' hot
1) tar is remelting on the street
2) your rubber flipflops get stuck to the sidewalk if you stand for too long
3) stagnant puddles are electric green with growth
4) cockroaches go swimming at night in any water they find
5) many rolling black/brown outs
6) it's better to be in a way stinky subway tunnel than above ground
7) you can drink 3 litres of water and not need to go to a restroom ever because you sweat it all out before it reaches your bladder (true story)
8) violent heat lightening storms every night
9) sleeping sans pj's just doesn't keep you cool
10) 87F or 33C feels cool
SATC New York style

I keep having people ask me about whether i saw the Sex and the City movie since i'm a big fan of the show (always have been) AND i live in the city where it all takes place. Here is my quick thoughts on it...
capital "A" MAZING.
Not going to lie, saw it twice and loved it both times.
The first time (Thurs night at 12:01 am or does that make it Friday?) was just a beautiful experience for my eyes. The colours, the clothes, the shoes....le sigh....i'm melting just thinking about it (oh wait, maybe because it's a thousand degrees outside, but that's another blog post).
The second viewing was to truly capture the story (ps: obviously not much to it) and because my fab friend R. came to visit and rearranged her plans purely to see the movie with me.
I loved it, but I keep having to defend the movie and it's becoming ridiculous. Yes there were high expectations, but any true fan would agree that there should never have been a movie (and goddess please let there NOT be a sequel). The show was wrapped up in such a pretty bow and having the movie was just a little extra somethin' somethin'.
Anyways i had a fabulous time with six of my lady friends. We had drinks at the Empire Hotel (Ushers back up dancers were rockin' out in the booth next to us....saweet!) and played the SATC trivia game while we waited in our seats...we know our sh^t! Oh and i was asked to be part of New York Magazine or was it TONY magazine's poll on the movie ("how big a fan are you"..."i am here at 12:01 and i ampretty sick with tonsillitis. I'd say i'm a true fan!)
Go see it!
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