Friday, May 6, 2011

Dear 16-year-old Me

Things that scare me:

1) oil on a stove--bad previous experience involving flames and too many splatters on my delicate arms

2) children playing near hot substances--hello burns :(

3) botflys burrowing into my skin---wait that's something i'd love to have happen (or see in person) man i love gross things. That will be another post where all of you (HAHA "ALL" read:5) will probably stop reading.

4) skin cancer "melanoma"---seriously scary shit, sneaky buggery cells reeking havoc on your body and spreading, super spreading. If you are under 25 my scare tactics aren't working, but hey all you older readers may want to spend 5 minutes watching this video. Ps: i'm looking for a dermatologist tomorrow so i can get a full body scan. I have had waaaaay to many unplanned sunburns :(