Today was Earth Hour. I only remembered after someone in my electronic universe reminded me and asked if she "could watch tv with the lights off and it still count". I laughed a lot b/c any decrease in electricity is better than no decrease correct? J made the point to me that although the lights are off, everything was still plugged in and we were still on the grid. He didn't understand why i would participate, so he left the house for a run and i sat in dark silence and read. It really did make me think though, is earth hour really effective. Having things on and running does increase the amount of electricity used, but is unplugging for an hour worth it all?
I don't use paper towels anymore. I have cut up an old shirt and i use that instead. I wash it and reuse over and over again. My whole idea behind that is i'm decreasing the amount of waste i send out. I guess this can also be said of this Earth Hour concept. Even though it's a small decrease i guess it's a decrease to an extent. Every little bit helps right?