It's tough being a nanny sometimes. I have managed to find a really amazing family to work for who take great care of i don't luck into free dinners to their restaurants, or trips to the Hampton's or Europe, but i'm really happy. Now it is always great to be friends with the gals who do get these things, because i generally get brought along. Such as a time like the fourth of July.
We were in a bit of school break, many of the CLC gals are away working, at home, or just busy with outside NYC life. So 4 of us were around to celebrate the 4th in NYC. The original plan was to go to S and K's apartment for drinks, appi's and george forman bbq grilling and walking over to the east side to watch the Macy's/NBC 4th of July Firework show. What ended up happening was getting invited by one of E's amazing families to the NBC executed 4th of July party in Brooklyn. Here is what an NBC party looks carnival, free booze, free food, free gift bags, crazy stilt performers, bleacher seating in possibly the best seats in ALL OF NYC (they do all the filming for the show here) and all the entertainment that you would have seen on tv.
After booting it to Williamsburg in Brooklyn in record time we were able to experience this amazing NY moment. Well it only got better! Perfect seating was upgraded to the "mosh pit" of the stage to see my fav. TV hottie, Tiki Barber and the gorgosity Natalie Morales....i'm melting she is so amazing (please see picture above). Anyways some other great people we saw in these spots were Gavin Degraw and Katherine McPhee...yeah pretty famous these days, but meh....NATALIE MORALES (i have a girl crush).
The main event was the fireworks, which are set off by 4 barges in the East River timed to music over the ages....that was NBC/Macy phrasing. Pretty amazing stuff and i feel very fortunate...what can top this next year? Anyways, we were rock stars and yeah so great! Thanks E for having such a great hookup!
Here is something random i experienced on the 4th. As a Canadian i often feel very patriotic for days like Canada day and in effect the 4th. Now for this event i wore blue and white (Because i own zero red....doesn't suit me) and when i left that house i looked around for people sporting their red white and blue...NO ONE! No small children in festive outfits....WTF?! I can't be the most patriot and i'm not even that patriotic. Anyways, needless to say when we got to the NBC party there was more red, white and blue but i'm kinda convinced that our wee bits of patriotism is why we were moved to the mosh pit, i'll take that any day!