A few months ago my friend L and I saw spice girls, then we saw Sarah Bareilles and now we are adding FEIST to this list of fun performances. It's been so ridiculously hot that more often than not there is an evening rainshower, hardcore, drenches everything and usually while it's soaking you through you can see the bright blue sky inching towards you. This is what happened to us on Wednesday night while we were waiting for Feist to perform. First i must tell you that while we were going through the gates to the outdoor venue at Prospect Park security was taking umbrellas and making a huge HUGE pile of them. My bag was so packed with stuff(was coming from work with many changes of clothes) that he looked at the top of my bag and said...is there an umbrella in there....Nope (yes there is)....you sure there is no umbrella in there...no umbrella (yes there is, it's bright green hard to miss)....okay, but i better not see an umbrella from you later....don't worry you won't (yes you will if it pours on us). I walk through the gates still with my umbrella and thank goodness we had it. The skies open up and about 30 people of 3000 pull out their umbrellas and we all crowd under them to protect us from the down pour, my umbrella included. Anyways, she put on a rockin' concert...no rain during her set and of course as it always happens i fall more in love with certain songs. Here is my always favorite, which is now higher up on the list.
Two days later i was back at the same venue with J. to see Brazilian Girls. I didn't think i knew who they were initially until they started playing their euro/south american techno beats and i knew i had heard them before. It's hard not to dance, and like really really start dancing because it's just so much fun! Some of their more familiar songs are "pussy" and " le territiore", so go check them out....super fun!
I've been told it's because of the baseball All Star game taking place here, but if it was baaaaaaaad job of advertising that. Here are the details-Bon Jovi comes to NYC's Central Park to play a free concert. Free tickets given out during the day, space for 50,000 people, major security throughout the park. I am not a Bon Jovi fan, but i am a fan of free music, chilling with friends and enjoying what could have been a crazy scene. Well it was such a crazy scene that the closest we got to Bon Jovi was across a street in the park with him behind those trees.
Here is what the New Yorks Times have as what it looked like....not sure i wanted to be with 50,000 of my closest friends
You gotta love New York summer music scene!