A sad reality hit me Saturday during City Chase...J and I are not meant to do Amazing Race style games. Also you can't force someone into an activity they are just not as excited about as i am. And let's be realistic there is no competing with me when i get excited about something.
So sadly we just didn't have as much fun as I thought we would. Maybe it was because i was forced to BBM and i don't have a Black Berry and i wanted to throw it on the ground and stomp on it. Or maybe it's because there were really long lines at some of the tasks and i was like a kid at disney just wanting to play but forced to wait. Either way, here were the highlights, because yes there were some good times!
I obviously forgot to pull out my camera for the majority of the tasks, but here is Joe playing H-O-R-S-E (that basketball game). Notice how he has no shirt or socks on...that's cause i'm wearing them all hoping he won't miss a basket because that means i have to strip off a layer of clothing. YEAH! good times! Good news was i only had to strip down to my bra and shorts.
We also played dodgeball against another team. We kicked butt at that one and i won it for team J and S!
Oh and of course the Minute 2 Win it game where we had to get a cookie from our forehead to our mouth in 1 minute. J was amazing at that game and won it for our team!
Anyhoo, i'll still play again, but sadly not with my sweetie (and he's okay with that). I guess that's the joys of being in a couple. Sometimes you're just not going to enjoy doing the same things, but it's nice if you give it a try for the other person.