Finding the best cupcake in the city
New York City may be renamed to the big cupcake and not the big apple. NYC and cupcakes are up there with one of the biggest controversies. Friends who make cupcakes open a business, to become enemies, to steal/take their portion of the recipe, to open new stores, people who work with the enemies who break off open their own business, to create this mecca of cupcake heaven right here in the city. This is the basic story of Magnolia and thus the rest of all the cupcake shops in the city.
My search for the perfect cupcake started back in Halifax with my friend R. Our obsession was quite normal at that point, just enjoying cupcakes whenever we could, but then i started questioning moving to New York and she said, "i'm visiting if you do, i've heard a lot about x y and z cupcake shop and we need to try them". Walk and walk all over the city we did, trying cupcakes. I have settled on my favorite cupcake...which i will reveal in a few sentences.
SO my mom is visiting right now, post birthday visit and girl weekend we are having a great time thus i felt it was important to introduce her to the love of my life, my favorite cupcake shop. Dragging her across the city and claiming i knew exactly where it was. The light shone brightly on the faded pink awning of it. Of course since i was there i bought two cupcakes (bite your tongue, i'm a piggy and i don't care, it's the most delicious thing and you'd do it too!!). She bit into the cupcake (ooey gooey) and ahhhhhhh heavenly angels sung out. (notice the chocolate deliciousness on her lip, le sigh...i want one now!)
Anyways the store i won't shut up about is called Sugar Sweet Sunshine on Rivington St (bw Essex and Norfolk)
My favorite cupcakes are pumpkin spice and lemon yummy. Their originals are fab, but i'm partial to something a bit different, especially when it involves cream cheese icing.
Number 2 is Billy's Bakery followed by Crumbs (but Crumbs may be off the list if something better appears). If anyone has any recommendations of places to try let me know because there are obviously MANY MANY places in the city and i can't try them all...just almost all of them.