My fabulous friend M came for a visit this week and part of a newbie coming to NYC is a trip to see a Broadway production, so we saw "THE BEST MUSICAL.EVER." aka A Chorus Line (this is what the program stated). A Chorus Line is a must see partly because it's been on stage for a while...ummm well since 2006, but this is the 1975 revival, but hey 1975...it's a classic in my mind. Anyhoo we went to TKTS at South Street Sea Port and there it was for a discounted price of $61 we were set for the night (ps: original ticket price i believe was $120 plus...YEAH sweet discount!). Our seats were rockin' at the 26th row and slightly to the right, here's the problem...of course why would i bother with a story if there wasn't a problem. This show doesn't contain sexuality or inappropriate child language...not really at least, it's like a pg 13 Disney movie (unlike many plays out there now, *cough* Spring Awakening ps: AMAZING!) so there were many kids, in my opinion too many kids.
It starts with the kid in front of me who would alternate between sitting on his dads lap to his chair in front of me. anytime there was anything slightly riskay the parents would shoot looks over at him, that stuff is obvious if you're looking forward. I guess i'm just happy there was no whispering.
Next was the heavy breather next to M. He was probably 14 and didn't know the concept of silent breathing. Since i am about to work with kids with many different needs i always like to give the benefit of the doubt for things like that, maybe it's a condition he can't control...well here is something he could control, rolling up his program a million times and unrolling, yeah distracting.
AND the final interesting event of the show was the sneezing child. I know i exaggerate, it makes a story so much better (please refer to the previous sentence...a million times, how long was this freakin' play...only 2 hours i'm pretty sure a million is completely impossible). But here is a truth, a kid a few rows behind us had a major allergy or something but he kept sneezing, honestly every 2.5 minutes. It was crazy loud, big whined up, no attempt at muffling the sneezing and then a loud finish (vocal and a type of sigh). It reached a point that near the end of the show audience members couldn't contain giggles and AND after the final curtain call a cast member came on stage and told the person gazoontite...seriously crazy loud.
Moral of the story...great play, fun dancing and songs, humourous characters! If you get frustrated with children move onto something else...i'm a very tolerant and patient person when it comes to children (borderline saint) and i was getting annoyed. Your call, but given the chance to see if for free i'd go again...even if i had to sit next to sneezy, sleepy and sniffles.
Almost spring here...pictures of the park soon to come!!