Monday, September 27, 2010

City Chase-wrap up report

A sad reality hit me Saturday during City Chase...J and I are not meant to do Amazing Race style games. Also you can't force someone into an activity they are just not as excited about as i am. And let's be realistic there is no competing with me when i get excited about something.

So sadly we just didn't have as much fun as I thought we would. Maybe it was because i was forced to BBM and i don't have a Black Berry and i wanted to throw it on the ground and stomp on it. Or maybe it's because there were really long lines at some of the tasks and i was like a kid at disney just wanting to play but forced to wait. Either way, here were the highlights, because yes there were some good times!

I obviously forgot to pull out my camera for the majority of the tasks, but here is Joe playing H-O-R-S-E (that basketball game). Notice how he has no shirt or socks on...that's cause i'm wearing them all hoping he won't miss a basket because that means i have to strip off a layer of clothing. YEAH! good times! Good news was i only had to strip down to my bra and shorts.

We also played dodgeball against another team. We kicked butt at that one and i won it for team J and S!

Oh and of course the Minute 2 Win it game where we had to get a cookie from our forehead to our mouth in 1 minute. J was amazing at that game and won it for our team!

Anyhoo, i'll still play again, but sadly not with my sweetie (and he's okay with that). I guess that's the joys of being in a couple. Sometimes you're just not going to enjoy doing the same things, but it's nice if you give it a try for the other person.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Bits of my weekend (kinda) 5

We attended the wedding of a fabulous friend of ours this weekend. Here are some of the shots, but guess who forgot to pack her camera charger and ran out of juice on the way to the wedding. cough cough... here's a hint her name rhymes with bananan.

Here is what we did before it died-

mini put and all the oddities that i had including the arcade and haunted house. i screamed ALOT!

Aren't i just hilarious!!

rode the bus to the wedding

took pictures of her horse all dolled up.

hope you all had a great weekend!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

i'm growing a cactus

I read a bazillion blogs....well realistically it's like 25-daily. At the end of my day i usually have around 30 or more posts to read. I love having something to read. It's a bit of something different each time and they lead me to other things i want to research and learn and i feel inspired. i like feeling inspired.

One of the blogs i read is The Pioneer Woman. She's amazing. Inspiration, motivational, sensational...i swear she does crack or speed or something because lordy lordy how she does it all in one day is mesmerizing! Today she was discussing tips on blogging. One thing she said was to blog often. Blogging is like a plant. It will shrivel without water, unless it's a cactus. Turns out i've planted a cactus. My blog flowers, wilts, grows and repeats-often. I don't know how to remedy this or even if i care to. To be honest, i sometimes question why why why do i continue and are Building a Grown up life and my parents the only ones who read this.

Here is what i think about though. I love to read other people's blogs. And sometimes they are silly, mundane and random, but after i read it i feel content to know a little bit more about that persons life, or something different or feel like my world has benefited (benefit?) from this. Maybe i should add a grammar blog too. I also think that sometime the person who is writing it is benefiting from putting their words out on a page.

moral of the story. The blog continues for another year. Ya'll we are approaching THREE FREAKIN' YEARS!!! OH and Facebook still won't allow my blog on my page. darn them!! I guess it's all the faux cussing.

Peace out YO!