It has finally happened-I have arrived at the airport before security opens. Clearly being here this early was not what I was wanting the first day of vacation, but when your flight is cancelled rebooked to a different airport at the butt crack of dawn, you don't mess around you show up way in advance. Oh and my ticket says first class. Saaaaaaweeeet!
4:30 is starting to look pretty darn good.
Have a fab memorial weekend. I'll be grooving to soft rock as I wait for Duncan Donuts to open and my flight to board.
ps happy birthday to one of the great boys in my life. You made made me laugh (and scream) all of my childhood and I wouldn't have had it anyway else. Peace bro.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Did I show you this?!
Monday, May 23, 2011
I hope this will help
I'm testing a iPhone blogging app called blogpress. I'm not getting paid, wish I was cool enough, but I'm hoping this will help with my slow writing. I spend so much time on the train that if I can write segments this could be amazing. I'll tell you how it goes. Today's post was written between 125th street and 168th. Yaaaa!!! For productivity :)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Dogs in the War
This is a really fascinating article about the involvement of dogs in the military. They really are such an amazing species.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
If i could still knit
How stinkin' cute non!
I invision chilly days in our house with my tube sock LEG WARMERS on, summer days in my sweltering house with my tube sock LEG WARMERS and of course now. The days where it's trying to get warmer, but it's still so darn chilly. One day you'll come summer and i will be excited, just like i am for these tube sock LEG WARMERS :)
Monday, May 9, 2011
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Happy Mother's Day
I don't really talk a lot about my family on this blog...well let's be honest here, i don't talk a lot on my blog to begin with, but family is really important to me. My family is so incredibly important that I strive to be the person they deserve to call their daughter. My parents have a marriage I look up to. Growing up I didn't know their were couples who didn't have marriages strong and full of love like what my parents displayed to us.
Today we are honoring half of this marriage...our mother's. My mother has always been wonderful to us. She has always provided my brother and I with endless love, affection, privilege, education and of course absolutely delicious meals (really, she's why i love cooking).
Today i honor her, and other mothers like her who were kind enough to not have been like the sharks and eaten her young.
I love you always, but more than ever right now, I can't be more grateful to have you be so involved in my life.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
A new great "children's" book
Friday, May 6, 2011
Dear 16-year-old Me
Things that scare me:
1) oil on a stove--bad previous experience involving flames and too many splatters on my delicate arms
2) children playing near hot substances--hello burns :(
3) botflys burrowing into my skin---wait that's something i'd love to have happen (or see in person) man i love gross things. That will be another post where all of you (HAHA "ALL" read:5) will probably stop reading.
4) skin cancer "melanoma"---seriously scary shit, sneaky buggery cells reeking havoc on your body and spreading, super spreading. If you are under 25 my scare tactics aren't working, but hey all you older readers may want to spend 5 minutes watching this video. Ps: i'm looking for a dermatologist tomorrow so i can get a full body scan. I have had waaaaay to many unplanned sunburns :(
Thursday, May 5, 2011
what i'll be trying for next easter
Melted crayon shavings=the next coolest egg decorating project.
All you need are freshly boiled eggs and crayon shavings. done and done, no shortage of those from work! Now all i need to do is actually complete the project in time for Easter. I should start now!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011
My only bit of royal wedding
I wasn't so into the royal wedding...well at least not so much that i woke up/stayed up until 3 am to witness it. Isn't that why replay/DVR exists? Anyhoo, i've seen some pretty funny royal wedding stuff and thought i'd show some off.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Sunday, May 1, 2011
How pretty!
(Source: -lovelylady, via qomaspeakup)
This house could be in Charleston on rainbow row....although i guess it's got that all covered.
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