Thursday, September 10, 2009

Have you ever experienced anything so cool?!

So this has nothing to do with my life in new york...well i guess it does because this is happening while i'm here, anyways i digress. To the story: i received some packing popcorn in a box to protect the kelp noodles i had shipped to me. The kelp noodles thing i'll explain later. All this packing popcorn arrived...i hate packing popcorn. It gets everywhere, sticks to everything and it's impossible to dispose of. I had heard rumors of this dissolving packing popcorn and i thought there is no way an organic/raw/eco friendly store would send me styrofoam packing popcorn. So i stuck it underwater and in a matter of seconds it dissolved.


Because i wanted everyone to enjoy my amazing discovery i documented it. so enjoy...if this is totally lame and you are starting to notice that my unemployed days are being used for nutty things...well yes you're right. what else can i do with my time while i'm not hunting for jobs! i'm open to suggestions.