Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy Anniversary Gorgeous

I have this habit of going for long stretches of time without writing and then i do write and i have a million things to say...but as not to over load all of you, i write and then put it in the draft section of my blog. Well when i do this i sometimes forget to go back a few days later and upload. SO this leads to this post. Last year i wrote an anniversary blog. I wrote it weeks early and then promptly forget to post and i have just recently uncovered it a few months ago. This is last years anniversary blog, and in honor of my two years of writing here is a new anniversary blog.

It's official i've been writing for a year about living here in the big apple. Who knew i could write (i guess that's still debatable), who knew i had the ability to keep something like this going for a year (no really, i've never kept a diary or journal i'm a non-finisher) and who knew i was actually doing stuff that some people find interesting enough to read....FOR A YEAR!

I guess this means i have to say something profound about writing or living here or something, but i guess the only real thing i can say is that living here has taught me a lot about who i am. Although really, I guess i could say that a year of life in general can teach you a lot yourself, but i really think that it's NYC. Here is where profound thoughts should occur, but instead i have a top ten list. Kinda like David Letterman...well isn't that new yorky

Top 10 reasons why i love NYC

10) Sitting in central park in the middle of the city not hearing any sounds of being in a big city
9) Walking for miles and miles not realizing how much ground has been covered
8) How friendly people are. Although they may not be new yorkers, but i'm sure they are
7) You can get pretty much any time of food that exists
6) Delivery of pretty much anything (food, clothing, furniture)
5) People watching
4) Everything is open late night
3) Riding the trains...on the weekend it's kinda like a painful game, how long will it take to get from point A-B. You can read so much and get anywhere faster than above ground
2) The amazing friends i've made

And the number 1 reason i love NYC
1) It's the craziest most bizarre city I often would a gal like me get a chance to live here?!

Two years and how much has changed. Not only have i finished school, but i've moved to a whole new city. I contemplated changing the name of the blog, but then realized that i like the big apple still and unless something major happens that name sticks. Therefore in honor of my move to Brooklyn where their motto is "how sweet it is" i will give my Why Brooklyn is sooooooo sweet top 10 list.

Why Brooklyn is soooooo sweet top 10 list
10) Less traffic, less people, less noise *at night at least
9) Just as close to downtown nyc, but not nearly as much hassle or frustration while on the train
8) the park...oh how i love Prospect park
7) Prospect Park farmers market
6) neighborhoods, with backyards and kids playing in the street
5) stars... i can see the stars at night soooo beautiful
4) is it possible to be not as dirty or smoggy? Don't get me wrong it's still gross though
3) independent-designers, stores, salons, restaurants...they are EVERYWHERE!
2) i'm finally living with J (corny yes, but it's so much better than riding the train 50 minutes back and forth multiple times a week)

And the number 1 reason why Brooklyn is soooooooooooooooo sweet
1) I get to have all the great things about Brooklyn and also know that NYC is still so close i can go there if i need to!