Tuesday, October 30, 2007

ah progress

Progress is being made! A couple of days ago i was called ShaNNon...for most people this is normal, but for little E. it deserved a celebration. Praising and dancing and singing ensued because that's what you do for a pre-two year old when they finally pronounce the name of their nanny right (how am i going to celebrate when she FINALLY "goes" on the potty?). E.is very funny, i call her my little copy cat. She will repeat anything you say more than twice randomly a few minutes later. Exhibit a)Shannon and E's mom discussing the doctors office: "that poor kid was coughing so hard i thought he had tuberculosis"...2 minutes later..."tuberculosis, tuberculosis...hehe, tuberculosis". exhibit b) E's mom talking to Shannon and E "E. what does shannon say" E. " pardon me, pardon me". So it turns out i'm a really polite person...yeah well now i'm teaching a two year old how to say pardon me, but just not in the right context...oh well, soon enough.


Unknown said...

Yay E! We really need to trade more toddler stories. Twin C is a total parrot, she repeats everything, and usually with the exact same intonations in her own little voice. They're coming trick-or-treating to my house tomorrow if all goes as planned!

S. said...

promise i'll send you a video/ pictures of her soon, she's too funny and i can't resist! ps: please send pics of m and c in their costumes. E is a bumble bee... i'm a flower...but we didn't plan it that way! too cute huh ;)