I don't even know where to begin because i'm clearly a huge idiot, and i'm sharing this because i'm either a bigger idiot for opening myself up like this or i think everyone could get a good laugh and learn a lesson read read READ!
Part One:
I guess i should start at the beginning. Child Life "club" has Thursday night dinners each week and we decided that since we all go our separate ways for Thanksgiving we should have our "family" dinner a week early. I volunteered my apartment and therefore took the main course (turkey). I had decided to make everyone two turkey drumsticks each (9x2=18) because i'm at work all day and drumsticks don't take too long to cook=good plan.
I get most of my groceries at the store down the street, but there are some things i just can't swallow when it comes to shopping there, one being the price (Store a) and the lack of option/variety (Store b). Freshdirect is the best thing for those of us who live next to a bad grocery store and a very expensive grocery store, have no muscles to carry mass amounts of food home and are attracted to the idea of online shopping for food and having it delivered by sometimes cute boys (seriously not the biggest selling point for me because i do love going to the store, but it's all for fun right!).
Part Two:
So this morning at 7:30am my freshdirect order arrived (i planned for this early arrival...perfect for work). The guy came out of the elevator with 5 boxes (huh, didn't think i ordered that much, oh well they are safe packers and i have veggies and eggs, maybe? (sound of apprehension))
He gives me a look, i think it's "WOW this girl looks really tired or she's pretty cute in her pj's or wish i was still sleeping too (probably this one)"
He leaves, i crack into box one and right away i realize i have screwed up big time. I step away and realize he was NOT thinking i was cute he was thinking "WOW, what is this girl going to do with all of this meat". Some of you may have seen this coming once i said 19 TURKEY drumsticks, but here i am thinking while placing the order 19 a bit bigger than chicken, turkey drumsticks. Pictures are the only way to describe the situation i'm in....
YEAH i know, what the hell am i going to do (ps: there are 6 more drumsticks defrosting in the fridge...because i ran out of room!)
Sooooo as i'm cursing myself while i unpack my food, thinking where am i going to store all this meat, i start thinking who can i pawn all this meat onto. Thinking it could be thanksgiving leftovers, that they cook themselves!? Thinking what food banks would take frozen meat like this and then i think, HOW AM I GOING TO COOK THIS!!! MY OVEN IS TINY!!
After rearranging the freezer and fridge i go back to bed to laugh and cry at myself, what am i going to do...start thinking of recipes because i'll be eating turkey for the rest of my life, or at least on average the next 15 weeks (1 drumstick per week, yeah that's about right!)
After mellowing out i started to think, how did i not realize i was getting 32.42 lb of meat! How did i miss this? The cost was only $30 so that wasn't a give away and really this comes down to reading or my lack there of...right on my order form it did say 32.42 lb. I will blame this on how busy i am, too busy to read the small print, but realistically i deserve to turn into a turkey for this.
Things i've learned:
Who knew $30 worth of turkey drumsticks was so much food
How many poor turkeys sacrificed their lives for my stupidity (9)
Some local farmer/freshdirect is benefiting from my stupidity
WOW New York has big turkeys
All i can say is thank goddess all this meat came with my bag of clementines, they fix everything!
Holy cow Shans... I just started reading this at work and was laughing out loud and trying to muffle my laughter with my sweater just made me look like I was having convulsions.
Maybe I should have said holy turkey. It is stories like this that make me miss you :)
hahaha.. i was having a bad day... and i started reading this and couldn't stop laughing.. :P
thanks! :p
enjoy all ur turkey!!
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