So it appears that i'm not good at keeping this thing updated. I really try, but with internship and all that writing, and school and all that writing and thesis and all that writing, fun writing is not happening either. Oh and no i really haven't been doing anything fun either that you're all missing out on.
Let's think...
Last night i got a new vacuum....i joyfully vacuumed my house for hours on end while J went and got drunk with friends. Oh and tonight i am babysitting E and N (yes i'm still with them on weekends...i just loooooove them!!) and hoping it doesn't pour rain/slush on me when i need to get home.
Last weekend i woke up at 9:50am to see a 10:15am movie (He's just not that into you) and then went to the NY public library to slave over a paper i ended up despising!!
The weekend before that J and i ate deliciously fatty greasy Peking duck for Valentine's day and then came home and passed out from fat overload.
hmmmm before that let's see....nothing...nothing is coming to me at all...probably food related....probably school related....probably ahhhhh WAIT i did go an amazing bar which i'm hoping doesn't go bankrupt! Too many good places are going bankrupt here. I guess my life isn't the most interesting (or blog worthy), but i'm okay with it right now knowing how ridiculous my writing schedule is.
well, that's enough time spent on this thing. Back to writing!
Oh and I tried looking for a picture worthy of posting on here and i didn't like anything i had taken, therefore i'm putting up a picture which ALWAYS makes me laugh...dumb they have a purpose other than to freak me out?

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