Wednesday, March 24, 2010

google reader

Sometimes i think i live under a rock with regard to technology. I love to bookmark things, but i don't really have a clue on how to have my computer tell me when people update their blogs. You know, send me a note or just some how make it so blatantly obvious i don't have to go blog to blog and check...enter here Google Reader. Let's rewind a few months ago.

As many of you know i had my Child Life certification exam back at the beginning of November. I do not standardize test well at all. Worst way to measure my knowledge (and many other people for that matter, but that's besides the point). When if finished my exam i thought i was going to throw-up. I was CONVINCED i failed. Really and truly i thought i failed.
Fast forward 2 weeks after the exam. News started to spread that people were getting their results. A friend of mine mentioned someone she knew found out via mail that day. It was around that time of day when our mail is put out. I became so incredibly nervous and freaked out I stood up and while attempting to put lappy (the laptop) on the kitchen table i accidentally decided to let go a few seconds early and drop her on the floor. It was a crack heard around the world...and a long NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
escaping from my mouth...before i quickly sprinted down the stairs.

Sad thing was my mail didn't arrive until the next day, which is where my results were, but that was the day my laptop died. Happiest day (yeah i'm a CCLS) and saddest day of my life. When lappy broke, and never started again, i lost all my favorited bookmarks. I knew i'd get my hard drive pulled out and all the information put into a new laptop (eventually), but some of the hardest things for me to lose are the favorite sites i have. There were hundreds of them. All organized, and labeled, sigh, so beautiful.

As embarrassing as it was, for a long while i couldn't figure out how to find my blog. This is obviously a lame excuse for not writing. The thing is you can't google my name or the title of my blog and find me...i did that as a safety/privacy measure. Apparently I did such a great job i couldn't find myself. Which brings me full circle to Google Reader.

I'm sure there are ways for an email to show up and tell me there is a new blog post, but now that i've got my new computer i've discovered this instead. All my blogs protected for me to read, updating me as they are written. loooove it!

That's all...maybe i'll remain inspired in my writing. i just don't know though. i really do enjoy reading other peoples thoughts and comments on life oh so much more!!

1 comment:

Chelsea said...

all this time I have been checking for you to update... I should have sent you your blog link!