Sunday, December 16, 2007

Hula Queen

There is a book that I read to E. called Ella sets the Stage (my birthday prezzie to her and now the most over read book in her bookshelf, this is beside the point). The premise of the story is a talent show. Ella doesn't think she has a talent like all her friends who can sing, dance, perform great puppet shows etc. What ends up happening is that her talent turns out to be helping people with a bunch of random things. I have to admit I identify with Ella with her lack of talent...until Friday night... i may have found my only talent.
Yes i found my talent AND also managed to help out some of my friends. At this restaurant we went to the other night (Tortilla Flats) they have a hula hooping contest. Anyone who can hoop for 2 minutes straight (on the restaurants doubled up hoop) gets a round of tequila shots for all their friends. While watching all these girls (one boy) try and fail i was feeling like i'd be another fool to attempt, but with a few drinks under my belt i was fearless (that is what tequila likes to do). I started gyrating my hips, bumped a table while starting, recovered and i was on a roll...all i have to say is 8 people were mighty happy with my talent. A few people at the bar were so proud they bought a few more rounds.

My friend recorded the whole thing and if i'm talented enough i'll try to post the video...but I think we know my talent doesn't lie in computers, but in colourful plastic hoops.

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