Sunday, October 19, 2008

Falling behind

The past few weeks have been NUTSO amazing fun! here is a basic overview

1)went home for a few days ie: update my health insurance to ensure if i do get sick i'm covered here ps: each week i start to become sick with something new, but combat it with major doses of Airborn. I've been told this is residual mono effects that last up til a year, yum i can't wait! great seeing friends in a whirl wind visit. oh and my mom made my fav. carrot cake, such a wonderful treat i wished i could bring it back. OH OH and i travel avec Porter Air....the best new thing in air travel my friends, serioiusly great!

2) J and I went to upstate New York and stayed at a friend's farm. Was a wonderful brief getaway to see the fall leaves (which had yet to arrive), hike, tandum bike ride, apple pick, make cider and just relax, laugh and eat.

3)My fab friend J from Toronto came in exclusively to make my dreams come true upon the viewing of the one and only Madonna at Madison Square Gardens!! Madonna is a true rock star and i would pay much much more to see her again.

4) Just got back from Cincinnati where their motto is "Nothing to do and all day to do it", couldn't agree more. I'm sure it's a fabulous city with plenty to do, i just seemed to experience the root of this motto. While attending a clinical hypnosis certification conference we had limited time to get food and darn it there was nothing open just about every time we went out. Anyhoo, i'm home now for a while and am in the peak of paper writing (can't you tell this is why i'm writing a post!).

Just wanted you all to know that while it's becoming much much cooler...nothing like Toronto i hear, the leaves have just started changing , when they are in full gear i'll post pictures!

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