Wednesday, September 8, 2010

i'm growing a cactus

I read a bazillion blogs....well realistically it's like 25-daily. At the end of my day i usually have around 30 or more posts to read. I love having something to read. It's a bit of something different each time and they lead me to other things i want to research and learn and i feel inspired. i like feeling inspired.

One of the blogs i read is The Pioneer Woman. She's amazing. Inspiration, motivational, sensational...i swear she does crack or speed or something because lordy lordy how she does it all in one day is mesmerizing! Today she was discussing tips on blogging. One thing she said was to blog often. Blogging is like a plant. It will shrivel without water, unless it's a cactus. Turns out i've planted a cactus. My blog flowers, wilts, grows and repeats-often. I don't know how to remedy this or even if i care to. To be honest, i sometimes question why why why do i continue and are Building a Grown up life and my parents the only ones who read this.

Here is what i think about though. I love to read other people's blogs. And sometimes they are silly, mundane and random, but after i read it i feel content to know a little bit more about that persons life, or something different or feel like my world has benefited (benefit?) from this. Maybe i should add a grammar blog too. I also think that sometime the person who is writing it is benefiting from putting their words out on a page.

moral of the story. The blog continues for another year. Ya'll we are approaching THREE FREAKIN' YEARS!!! OH and Facebook still won't allow my blog on my page. darn them!! I guess it's all the faux cussing.

Peace out YO!

1 comment:

Chelsea said...

What 25 blogs? I love the Pioneer Woman. I think for my garden, I water once a week, cross my fingers and hope for the best.