Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Halloween in New York

Trick or Treating in New York is a whole new ball game for me.

While walking (strollering) E. and N. i saw a new version of trick or treating. Here is what i was told happens, an apartment building has a list of private apartments which will allow/want trick or treaters to visit, then the kids can go to those places OR those who want can add candy to the big pot out front in the lobby and kids will just go door to door.
The other place kids trick or treat is at some stores. I saw this in France a few years ago, but i could never imagine doing this in a big different. Kids walk from a hair salon to a clothing store trick or treating. I also heard about some streets shutting down and there would be a halloween block party. They have MORE candy and face painting and all sorts of crazy fun things for kids. It's very different, but functions!

Although E. and N. are to little to trick or treat they aren't too little to dress up and show off how cute they are at the Washington Square Park kids fest, or whatever that madness of kids was called. So many adorable costumes (on little stuff i'll tell you about later). Some kids i saw were the regular, princess, bugs, animals, but there were some super cute ones like the ewok ( who was the height of an ewok and walked like one too, that was because his legs were tiny and he was probably wearing a diaper), there was also the kids (no older than 5) dressed as KISS, along with their parents of course, but totally funny! It's always great seeing the little kids dressed in really creepy costumes like realistic monsters or George Bush (who dressed up that kid!).

So Halloween is a big freakin deal here, all the alter egos come out and it gets so that person in costume or is that truly them. A bunch of my friends and i went to the Halloween parade...hundreds and hundreds of people line the streets and also can line up and "star" in the parade!! It took so long for everyone to come up the parade route that we left early (it was 10:30pm by then, started at there at 6:30pm for GREAT!! spots).

As for the adult costumes people get really creative...1)the farmer in the dell-dressed up as farmers in Dell boxes) 2) paris hilton in jail-yeah hehe 2) Katie Holmes clones (chanting and being possessed)with tom cruise "presenting" them. 3) The claw-the arcade game that had toys that you never actually win 4)oh Wizard of Oz made out of metro cards (subway cards)...this has turned into name all the costumes, but in case you'd rather i can send you the link to my photos.

I love Halloween and could go on about this forever, but i'll end it here, so much more to write about.
ps: i went as a flower ie: a shrub as some really great guy decided i should be instead.

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