Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Random things

Things noticed in NYC:
1)The dog of choice in NYC is the Boston terrier and pug. Yes all the other small dogs exist, but i have seen so many terriers/pugs it's a matter of time before some movie star has one and the popularity explodes. Beware...Lilo, Hollywood Ebola or dingdang Brit could wreck it for us all!

2) xmas has started...about 2 months early! Radio City Music has started promotion for the Rockettes Christmas spectacular and while Target has not whipped out the xmas decorations (Halloween is still in full fledge there) drug stores are putting up Christmas TREES and garland! Oh and my favorite, a commercial with a very subtle playing of xmas carols. SERIOUSLY, WHAT is with retail here!!


Sunny said...

Great Blog Shannon! :-) I esp love the "Lilo, Hollywood Ebola or dingdang Brit"... feel like I'm reading Lainey Gossip! hahaha!

I want to go back! I bet Xmas in the city is beautiful like no other! :-)

S. said...

I'm so glad you liked it...there are only a few people who will get that joke, but still i couldn't resist!
ps: did you see the newest FB group i joined, Lainey lurv...check it out answers all our who could it be questions
ps: i'm emailing this to you 'cause i have no idea if you'll see i replied to you.

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