Tuesday, September 15, 2009

What DO you do all day?

I'm sure many of you are wondering what I do with all this free time i've got since i'm still unemployed. Now that i'm all caught up on sleep...that was about 20 years of backed up exhaustion I now have time for other things i like to do. Other than search daily for jobs i've been doing A LOT of reading and cooking.

The cooking thing did a bit of a skyrocket thing when Joe and I moved in together. Cooking for more than one person is so much more enjoyable and i like learning all these cool new recipes and new products available. Also there are a bunch of farmers markets near by and seeing all the local and organic produce just makes me want to get creative.

I'm not exactly sure how this all started, probably something to do with all my stored up recipes that i never tested out, and a link sent to me from a friend of mine, but i started to learn about organic, nutritional cooking. The idea of more healthy, whole grain, fruit and veggies in and processed food out. I'm a good eater as it is. I have variety in my diet, but sadly produce is where i would cheap out. I've never been a person who eats a lot of pre-made frozen foods, but who doesn't like convenience? With all my reading I started to learn more about why i should buy local, eat whole grains, why i should cut down on my meat intake (that's the hardest one for me) and why organic is better for us. I'm not going to start on you guys to change....but i did want to show you some of the stuff i've been doing! These foods are probably old news for some of you, but for me, it's exciting and this is what i do all day. Read about crazy things and then try to make them.

A message before i finish. I have never called myself a cook, nor do i believe that i create beautiful things, and Joe can attest to this i'm very critical of my cooking always wanting to make my recipes better. So when you look at my food don't judge on the presentation, just know that it's a learning experience (because how else do you learn to cook?!?!).

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