Saturday, November 13, 2010

watch out she's thinking too much

I'm having one of those weeks. Actually it's been a few weeks, but this week was has me walking with an extra heavy heart. Because of my job i'm forced to see how fragile and precious life is. I'm always trying to help people remember that life if fragile, that we need to appreciate the present and honestly i'm starting to believe more and more that the creation of life is a miracle. Seriously, almost all of us were born with a perfectly intact body, everything functioning perfectly and we are living our lives trusting those around us to ensure we keep on living. Most of us haven't had an accident happen to ourselves or our family members, no horrible illness, or a basic illness which runs rampant in our body.

Our life and our bodies are so precious.

I'm not sure i'm even being clear about where my mind is going with this. I guess this is also me reminding myself, stop taking life so seriously, indulge, enjoy and appreciate the fact that i'm here another day.

wow a little too deep even for me.

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